Nakata Market

Nakata Japanese Market in Las Vegas

I’m taking the day off from cooking and visiting Nakata Market, a hidden gem in Las Vegas. On a scorching hot day, with the sun beating down mercilessly, I embarked on a quest for one thing and one thing only: Japanese snacks. And let me tell you, dear reader, that Nakata Market did not disappoint.

As I stepped through the doors of this quaint little market, I was greeted by a wave of cool air and the scene I imagined at a local 7/11 in Japan. My mission was clear – I was here for snacks and snacks alone. So, armed with a shopping basket and a sense of curiosity, I explored the aisles.

The first thing that struck me was the sheer variety of snacks on offer. Nakata Market had everything from crispy rice crackers to savory seaweed snacks, from sweet mochi to tangy milk candy. I was lost in a sea of colorful packaging and Japanese flavors, unable to resist the temptation to try a little bit of everything.

But it wasn’t just the snacks themselves that made this experience so special – it was also the market’s atmosphere. The friendly staff, the soothing background music, and the vibrant displays all contributed to a sense of warmth and hospitality that made me feel welcomed.

As I stepped back out into the blazing Las Vegas heat, my arms laden with bags of delicious snacks, I couldn’t wait to try them all. My sister and I decided to rate them in the car.

Nakata Japanese Market in Las Vegas Cold Food Section

Strawberry Icecream

This Icecream was so cute! I loved the little icecream holder. It was creamy and delicious. However, the cone was not as crispy as I would have liked it. Overall though it was good.

Japanese Strawberry Ice Cream

Matcha Icecream

This wasn’t my snack but it was my sister’s and she loved it! She loved that she could break it in half. She said it was pretty good for a matcha Ice Cream.

Japanese Matcha Ice Cream

Salmon Onigiri

Ok, it wasn’t terrible but not my favorite. I love making Onigiri at home so this doesn’t feel as fresh. I have heard though the corner markets have the best Onigiri in Japan. So I think my expectations were high on this one.

Salmon Onigiri from Nakata Market

Cheese Doritos

I love crunchy chips and especially Doritos but this wasn’t hitting the cheese flavor for me. If you try it let me know what you think!

Japanese Cheese Doritos

Chocolate Dipped Cookies

These were tasty! It was like a vanilla wafer cookie dipped in chocolate. I liked it but just wish I got something a little different to try.

Japanese Chocolate Dipped Cookies

Red Bean Taiyaki

I love Taiyaki! This one was pretty good but I think I have been spoiled getting freshly made warm Taiyaki with Nutella in the middle. I wonder if I heated it up I would give it a 5/5.

Red Bean Taiyaki

Tamagoyaki Pan

THIS IS THE COOLEST PAN I HAVE EVER BOUGHT! I love it! I make Tamagoyaki all the time now. I just love how cute it is and how well it works.

Japanese Tamago Pan

Matcha Latte

My husband wanted the Matcha Latte. He said he liked it but not a huge fan of Matcha so maybe that skewed his rating a bit.

Japanese Matcha Latte

Tonkotsu Ramen

This Ramen was delicious! It was a light broth and easy to make. I told my sister who is heading to College to never settle for less with Ramen. This one was a good example.

Japanese Tonkotsu Ramen

Udon Noodles

These noodles were pretty good. We ended up making a couple of dishes with them. My baby likes them the most and they made quite a bit.

Japanese Udon Noodles

Summarized Snack Ratings

Strawberry Ice Cream

Matcha Ice Cream

Cheese Doritos

Tamagoyaki Pan

Matcha Latte

Salmon Onigiri

Chocolate Dipped Cookies

Red Bean Taiyaki

Tonkotsu Ramen

Udon Noodles

So the next time you find yourself in Las Vegas on a sweltering summer day, do yourself a favor and make a beeline for Nakata Market. Your taste buds will thank you. Until next time, happy snacking!

You can find the whole video on my TikTok or Instagram. Comment below or tag me on social media if you have tried any of these snacks! Tell me which one is your favorite. #edamamabean_ (Insta) or @edamamabean (tiktok) 

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